
Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Homemade Sand

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My little 2 year old boy is getting tired of being stuck inside all day everyday because of winter weather. So, I saw this on pinterest and tried it (with slight alterations).
Homemade Sand = Flour and Oil
 This is the tutorial I used, but changed the baby oil to olive oil. (I don't have baby oil in my house.) 
I also changed the proportions. I did 5 cups flour to 1/2 cup oil. 

After mixing by hand a little bit I pushed it through a sifter.

FYI: The more you play with it, the better it gets incorporated and holds its shape better. We played for about 10 minutes before it was a perfect homemade sand.

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Marble Counters

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My husband and I are trying to lose weight. I saw this idea online, but modified it slightly. I wanted to keep all our marbles in the same jar to eliminate clutter, but then needed two different colors of marbles so that we could easily see where we were individually. Being the cheap, picky person I am I decided I would just dye some marbles myself. This way I saved money and I could do a color that matched our bathroom color scheme. Here is a tutorial that I used.
One Pound = One Marble
What I used:
2 Jars
Glass flat marbles
Mod Podge
Purple Food Coloring

I began by taking my clear glass marbles and dipping then in the "dye" solution mentioned in the tutorial above. (Remember to wear plastic gloves or you will have dyed fingers for a day like I did.)


I placed wet marbles on some plastic so they wouldn't stick to anything as they 

It took about 20 minutes to dry, then I flipped then over and gave them another 10 minutes.

Marbles looked periwinkle when wet, but dried a beautiful amethyst color.

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Past Projects

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Little boy tie, here is where I got the pattern.
Here are a few projects I found, when walking around the house, that I have done in the past. If you would like to know how to do them please just post a comment requesting.
My favorite bag. I have many sashes all different colors.
Sign is fabric mod podged on a board.
Tree skirt with appliqued holly leaves and buttons for berries. 
 Here is the pattern I used as a guide.
Height board less than $12 to make

Quilt I made with my Cricut for my nephew.
Headbands with scraps of fabric. Here is how.

Calendar that can get changed as often as you want.
Fabric balls that are easy to make.
Board holds all your coupons and reminders on your fridge?
Car Seat Canopy made a few years ago. Now they do big cute buttons and large rick rack around the edges. Tutorials are all over online.

Really cheap letters I found at Hobby Lobby. Paint and finish as you please and then screw hooks in to hang keys f

Vinyl clock, just buy hands online and cut vinyl yourself
Use dry erase maker ($1) on tile ($.98) cut and place vinyl
Made my Croc sandals into changeable flops. Here is how. I didn't use ribbon. I used vinyl home decor fabric I found at Joann's for like $2/yard.

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